ICT for Social Change

Did you ever wonder the people behind are latest technologies? On how they’re able us to communicate, know the latest news, trends and make our daily lives convenient. What are we going to discuss today is how ICT makes all the difference on how we communicate today and the effects of it in our society. Now what is ICT…

What is ict?

Information and Communications Technologies, or most commonly known as “ICT” is a deviation which refers to modern technologies which has given people the ability to communicate with each other with the help of internet and other telecommunication devices and modules. Information and Communication Technologies includes the utilization of the internet, wireless networks, cellphones, broadcast media, satellite systems, and many more communication media.

The term ICT is analogical to the term Information Technology or most commonly known, on the other hand, as “IT”, nonetheless, ICT primarily focuses on communication technologies and not digital and information technologies in general.


How does ICT

affects society?

Since when did Information Communications Technologies proliferate? In ancient times, communication media are mostly known to be conducted through personal messengers, pigeons. Did you ever have the idea that pigeons are used to deliver letters and mails from one place to another?

How about telegraph communication and Morse code? When was the last time you used radio device and/or have read the newspaper? We’ve come a long way in terms of technology. Ever since they introduce cellphones and social media applications, we can now easily communicate with to our loved even from abroad with not much difficulties.

The More You Know!

When globalization happened and affected the whole world in the 19th century, more and more device and media for external communication are introduced, such as telegram – using Morse Code; and the famous device called the telephone, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. These forms of communications introduced became a stepping stone for the modernization of communication. Thus, defining the Information Communications Technologies today.

ICT is a staple accommodation nowadays, most of the people, if not everyone, uses the application of ICT in communication. Social Media is the best example for the ICT industry, it clearly shows the communication among people from around the world. Take for example, “facebook” and “twitter”, with the help of technology and modernization, external communication between persons has been made possible. More advances are being made through research and practices. Hence, the flexibility of Information Communication Technology.  



  1. Due to technological helpers, home and daily tasks are eased with automation.
  2. A person may reach most of his/her friends, family members, and business contacts in just a matter of seconds.
  3. Lessens the prices of communications for consumers.
  4. There is real-time interaction between the people through information systems.
  5. Fast development and reduced time to have a market value.
  6. Opens the opportunity to open a business line without having a material office.
  7. Crowdsourcing or asking questions to a million people who are willing to help out through sharing of knowledge and ideas.


  1. Faster connections from around the world through technology, reduces the amount of time to be with ourselves.
  2. Communication from long distances may provide a possibility that there may be a degradation of intrapersonal communications.
  3. The risk of the privacy will be broadened.
  4. There are less reliable sources, therefore information might not be very accurate,
  5. The mind of the person using technology may become lazy, relying too much on it may reduce the interest in reading the entire page.

ICT, for the modern days, is one of the economic development pillars to be focused on to gain national and international competitive advantages. ICT has the ability to improve the quality of human interaction and generally, the lives. ICT can be utilized as a learning and education module, mass communication media, promotion and campaigning are important issues as well. Moreover, health and society may still be tackled through ICT.

ICT plays an important role in the world since the nations are now in the information modernization era. With Information Communications, companies may conduct businesses easily with their clients, suppliers, and their distribution channels. Nowadays, lack of appropriate information at the right time will entail lack of productivity, less quality of research, and great waste of time in pursuing information. Also, ICT provides for the researches and knowledge conducted by other nationalities. Thus, making ICT inseparable with us between our daily lives. ICT have made a very great impact for the daily lives of a modern person, take for example, newspapers may now be read through the internet. Digital computer and networking have changed the daily lives of the people. ICT brings a lot of advantages and minimal disadvantages for economic and sociologic development enabling billions of transactions and communication in an easy and fast way.